Saturday, January 19, 2008

LSM3: R1

Here's my finished LastMan piece, "The Cheekhammers"


Kurtis Smith said...

That'll show them damned elves that they shouldn't be stickin their noses in where it don't belongs!



Haha! Teddy bear testicles!

Kurtis Smith said...

Oh, yeah.
I like how you've got it laid out like a vertical triptych. I like how you also laid out each 'panel', although you put the woman right in the center of the last one. But, I guess it draws more attention to her.

Oh crap! Stove junk, too!


Jason Miskimins said...

hey jon! remember me? haha...i stumbled upon this blog and saw your stuff on here. great painting. love the lighting!