Sunday, December 9, 2007



Jonathan Kirtz said...

this looks pretty cool Jeff. I like the subtle shadows in the mouth around the tongue and that fold in the red cloth. Maybe you could put some red reflecting into the shadows of the left side of the face that is facing the interior of the red hood. That would give you some more color variation in the face. Wouldn't overdo it though, just subtle hue shifts. Like the neutrals in the shadows in the face. Is that skull cap on top a piece of armor connected to the red hood? if so it might be cool to see some small rivets or maybe a seam line. Maybe a simple pattern around the outside of the hood opening. Just suggestions. I know it's a sketch and all.

Jonathan Kirtz said...

and I meant the left side of his face for that reflected red, not the side to the viewer's left. Although you could add some there as well :)